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"Corporate Tax fines in UAE": Be Aware Of The Penalties

Corporate Tax fines in UAE

As a business owner in the UAE, you need to be aware of the penalties that come with tax violations. Understanding tax law and ensuring compliance can help your business avoid penalties and stay competitive. This blog will cover corporate tax fines and tax penalties, common types of tax violations, how to avoid tax fines, and the impact of tax penalties on businesses in the UAE.

Understanding Corporate Tax Fines in the UAE

Corporate tax fines in the UAE are a common occurrence. Businesses have to register for Corporate Tax (CT) and make the payments on time, as failure to do so will result in fines and penalties. The Federal Tax Authority sets the regulations for Corporate Tax, and businesses must stay compliant with them to avoid penalties.

Businesses are also required to keep records of their tax activities such as accounting and filing, among others. Failure to comply with any of these rules can result in fines and penalties. To stay compliant with tax laws, businesses should be prepared for the implementation of Corporate Tax in the UAE.

Corporate Tax Penalties in the UAE

Corporate tax is levied on oil companies and foreign banks in the UAE. A fixed penalty of 3,000 AED is applied for the first time a violation is committed, with a penalty of 5,000 AED for repetition. Value Added Tax (VAT) is levied on a majority of goods and services. Tax Returns and Clarifications under UAE Corporate Tax law are outlined in Chapter 17 of the Income Tax Laws. This includes reporting tax liabilities as well as filing tax returns and clarifications.

The tax authority also ensures that tax liabilities are correctly calculated and paid by issuing notices or taking other legal action to ensure timely payment of taxes. Additionally, the tax authority has a corporate tax amnesty scheme through which taxpayers can voluntarily disclose unpaid tax liabilities without fear of liability. Under this scheme, a taxpayer can pay the tax due without incurring a penalty up to a specified amount provided that he/she takes all necessary steps to file a tax return and pay the outstanding tax in due time,

Common Types of Corporate Tax Violations in the UAE

Under UAE federal tax law, corporate tax violations are categorized into four types: non-registration of a company, failure to pay Corporate Tax, non-payment of penalties, and tax evasion.

Failure to register and complete payments for Corporate Tax can lead to fines and penalties. Penalties for non-compliance with tax laws are outlined in the Cabinet resolution provided by Federal Tax Authority. Oil companies and foreign banks are liable to pay Corporate Tax. Excise tax is applicable on certain goods that are harmful to human health or the environment. Value Added Tax is also levied on a majority of goods and services.

In summary, businesses operating in the UAE must adhere to federal tax laws and regulations in order to avoid penalties for corporate tax violations.

How to Avoid Corporate Tax Fines in the UAE?

Register for corporate tax in the UAE and complete payments promptly to avoid fines and penalties. Make sure you are aware of the fees and penalties for non-compliance with tax laws in UAE, as provided by Cabinet Decision No.39 of 2017 and Cabinet Resolution No.40 of 2017. These provide a comprehensive overview of the administrative penalties for violations of tax law as well as the various types of corporate tax violations and their respective penalties.

Understand the details of the imposed administrative penalties for violations of tax law. To stay compliant, businesses must familiarize themselves with UAE Corporate Tax law and regulations that must be followed to stay compliant with CT laws and regulations. Seek professional advice from an accountant or tax professional to ensure that corporate tax regulations are being met.

The Impact of Corporate Tax Penalties on Businesses in the UAE

Companies in the UAE are subject to corporate tax on their net income. Non-resident juridical persons with a Permanent Establishment in the UAE are also within the scope of Corporate Tax.

Companies found non-compliant with Corporate Tax regulations are liable to fines and penalties. Value Added Tax is also levied on goods and services in the UAE. It should be noted that companies must register for Corporate Tax and complete payments in a timely manner to avoid fines and penalties.

Companies should also note that penalties for late payment of Corporate tax can shoot up to 15% of the tax due, so it's imperative for businesses to be tax compliant as much as possible.


To avoid corporate tax fines in the UAE and to ensure your business is running smoothly, it is essential to understand the tax law of the country first. You can do this by approaching a tax consultant or a lawyer who can guide you through tax procedures and corporate tax penalties. Besides, understanding how corporate tax violations occur and how they can be avoided helps you ensure no corporate tax fines are imposed on your business. The above-mentioned details provide a brief overview of corporate tax penalties in the UAE and their impact on businesses operating in the country. To know more about Corporate Tax fines and penalties, please do not hesitate to contact Reyson Badger.

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