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Civil Dispute

Civil disputes are instances in which a party seeks justice or a solution for reasons that are not covered by criminal law. By UAE Court, Reyson Badger is affiliated with licensed professionals, lawyers, and consultants. The set of norms and regulations that promote order and peace in society are known as civil law. Divorce, medical malpractice, labor laws, product safety, personal injury, and other civil issues are only a few examples of the subjects covered by this branch of the law.

In a legal disagreement, civil conflicts occur when two parties seek a resolution in the form of money or something else rather than criminal penalties. As a result, some lawyers, known as civil litigation attorneys, are responsible for ensuring that the case is handled appropriately and that their clients are represented properly.

Reyson Badger is not an authorized arbitration firm, but it is affiliated with a certified expert of the UAE courts who can provide the best possible representation owing to their experience, trust, and commitment.

Call us today for a free consultation.

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