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DIFC Approved Liquidators

If your company is being pushed into involuntary liquidation in the Dubai International Financial Centre, or if you believe that DIFC liquidation is the best option for you right now, we urge that you seek the assistance of licensed liquidators.

Process of Company Liquidation in DIFC, UAE

First and foremost, you must decide whether or not you want the company to be liquidated. You would have to meet with the other directors of the company if there are others. A resolution to liquidate the company will be passed at this meeting. After the resolution, you must appoint liquidators DIFC as well as the official recognition of the company of its insolvency.

The First stage of company liquidation in DIFC

  • All existing employees have been paid.
  • A DIFC-approved liquidator has been appointed. A public notary in the UAE attests to the board of directors' resolution.
  • DED costs need to be paid for the issuance of a certificate of company liquidation.
  • Public notices are published in two separate Arabic or local newspapers about the company liquidation, with a forty-five-day waiting time for creditors or partners to file claims.
  • Submitting Final Audit Report as well as copies of adverts from local newspapers to the DED

The Second stage of DIFC Company liquidation

  • Cancellation of the visa of all directors
  • Securing clearance letter from MOHRE
  • Submitting cancellation certificate, establishment card, and request letter to the Immigration Head Office

Company Liquidation in DIFC, UAE

The process of closing a business in the DIFC is both time-consuming and difficult. If you want to make sure you're meeting all of the legal criteria, talk to a seasoned liquidator today. We are not a regulated firm that is classified as an authorized financial auditor/liquidator with the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC). As a regulated liquidator, we can help you with all the issues of your company liquidation.

Attention: Reyson Badger is not listed with DIFC - Accredited Liquidators, but we can assist you in connecting with DIFC Approved Liquidators in the UAE.

Please feel free to contact us today…!!!

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