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Regular Accounting Services

Finances are the backbone of any company, so to be consistent in finance, regular follow-up of the accounting process in a company is necessary. Reyson Badger provides regular accounting services in Dubai and all over the UAE for managing financial verdicts and giving a complete review of daily, weekly, and monthly updates on accounting transactions.

Reyson Badger’s regular accounting service includes continuous follow-up of clients' financial statements, accounting, giving them suggestions, and report creation.

Accounting reports provide a complete overview of a company's financial activities. This report lets you know:

  • Your business's fiscal fitness and economic stability.
  • Systemize your business and financial statement.
  • Compliance with the laws and guidelines
  • Help to minimize your errors
  • Build up a great rapport with shareholders.


Accounting Reports usually Comprises of:

Financial Performance Statements/ Income Statements:

A financial statement shows the profit and loss of the company over some time.

An income statement usually includes:

  • Company’s revenue from sales/ services.
  • Cost of sales
  • Gross income: cost of sales - company’s revenue from sales
  • Marketing expenditures
  • Administrative expenditures
  • EBITDA- Earnings Before Depreciation and Amortisation
  • Diminution expenditure
  • Operating expenditure
  • Interests
  • EBT - Earnings Before Tax
  • Income Taxes
  • Net Profit/ Net Earning
  • Other Expenditures


Cash Flow Report/ Cash Flow Statement

A cash flow statement refers to the cash generated during a particular period of time. It includes how cash came in and moved out of the business.

A cash flow statement usually consists of 3 sections:

  • Operating Activities
  • Investing Activities
  • Financing Activities


Balance Sheet

A balance sheet shows a company's assets and liabilities over a specific period.

The equation for calculating a balance sheet is as follows:

Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity

Assets are defined as everything that the company owns.

Liabilities are the opposite of assets, it is everything that the company owes.

Owner’s Equity is the assets entrepreneurs own after accounting for the liabilities.

Reyson Badger is the leading provider of regular accounting services in Dubai for businesses. We specialize in providing our clients with accurate and reliable financial information that allows them to make effective decisions and maximize their profits. With our experienced team of accountants and CPAs, we are dedicated to helping our clients succeed.

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