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VAT Refund in Saudi Arabia

VAT, which stands for Value Added Tax, is a kind of tax that adds up as goods and services move through each step of being made or sold. It's like a small extra cost added to things we buy. In Saudi Arabia, VAT is an important part of how the government gets money to run things like schools, hospitals, and roads. If you run a business in Saudi Arabia, you have to be registered for VAT. This means you collect a bit of extra money (VAT) when you sell things, and you also pay VAT when you buy things for your business. The idea is that the final person who buys your product or service pays the VAT, not you as the business owner. In some cases, businesses may be eligible for a VAT Refund in Saudi Arabia to reclaim VAT they have paid on purchases.

VAT Refund Services

One interesting thing about VAT for businesses is that sometimes, you can get back the VAT you paid when buying stuff. This may help you in improving your financial management and saving money. It's a way to make sure businesses don't get taxed twice on the same thing, which is fair.

In this guide, we'll talk about how VAT refunds work in Saudi Arabia. We'll cover who can get these refunds, how to apply for them, what documents you need, and why managing VAT well can be good for your business's finances. Understanding VAT refunds is important for businesses to handle their taxes well and save money where they can.

What is VAT Refund in saudi Arabia? 

A VAT Refund in Saudi Arabia enables qualified businesses and individuals to recover Value Added Tax (VAT) paid on goods and services under certain circumstances. The Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority (ZATCA) overseas VAT refunds under Saudi tax laws.

Eligibility for VAT Refunds in Saudi Arabia

Eligibility for VAT refund in Saudi Arabia depends on several criteria that businesses must meet to qualify for the refund. Here's a simplified explanation of each criterion:

  • VAT Registration: Your business needs to sign up for VAT with the General Authority of Zakat and Tax (GAZT) in Saudi Arabia. This means getting a Tax Registration Number (TRN) and following all the VAT rules, like filing VAT returns on time.
  • Taxable Supplies: To get a VAT refund, your business must be selling things that have VAT on them, according to Saudi VAT laws. These are called taxable supplies, and they have VAT added to their prices.
  • Exported Goods or Services: If your business exports things outside Saudi Arabia, you might qualify for a VAT refund on the VAT you paid for those exports. This is because exports usually don't have VAT, so you can get back the VAT you paid on the things you used to make those exports.
  • Zero-Rated Supplies: Some supplies, like certain healthcare services or international transportation, may not have VAT or have a lower rate. If your business deals with these kinds of supplies, you might be eligible for a VAT refund on the VAT you paid for them.
  • Valid Supporting Documents: You must keep good records and documents to prove that you deserve a VAT refund. This includes things like invoices, receipts, import/export papers, and anything else that shows you paid VAT on eligible purchases.
  • Following VAT Rules: Your business must play by the VAT rules set by the GAZT. This means doing things like submitting VAT returns correctly, reporting VAT transactions accurately, and following all the VAT procedures.


Meeting these rules ensures that your VAT refund claim is valid and follows the rules laid out by Saudi Arabian VAT laws. Keeping good records and following VAT regulations will help to get your VAT refund without any problems.

Who Can Claim VAT Refund in Saudi Arabia

  • Local Businesses: VAT-registered business owners can claim back their expenses, which are business-direct and related to their activities.
  • Foreign Businesses: Foreign businesses that incur VAT for services or goods availed of in Saudi Arabia like events or exhibitions and do not have a permanent establishment here can qualify.
  • Tourists and Expats:  Non-residents can claim VAT refunds for purchases from VAT-registered retailers, processed at the specific airport counters.
  • Specific Industries:  (e.g. Healthcare, Education): Businesses in a particular industry may be granted to recover certain payments if they fulfill certain conditions.
  • Governments and Charity organizations: VAT-registered governments and charities who incur VAT on expenditures specifically incurred to pursue public or charitable activities are able to recover such VAT.
  • Import Export companies: Importers/Exporters can also be granted to recover VAT paid on imported as well as exported commodities/goods.


These groups will have to meet certain standards for VAT refunds, the use of VAT Refund in Saudi Arabia may outfall most of the hassle that comes with it.

How to Apply for VAT Refunds in Saudi Arabia?

  • For Businesses: File a VAT return via the ZATCA online portal, along with all input VAT claims that are eligible.
  • For Tourists: Utilize VAT refund kiosks at airports, presenting valid invoices and proof of purchase.
  • For Foreign Businesses: Apply for a refund with documents via ZATCA.


Benefits of VAT Refunds in Saudi Arabia?

Claiming VAT refunds brings many benefits to businesses. 

  • Puts money back into the business, providing resources for investment, expansion, or daily needs.
  • Allows businesses to get back VAT on eligible purchases, saving money and improving financial management.
  • Helps businesses price their products or services better in the market, gaining an advantage over others.
  • The extra money from VAT refunds can be used for new technologies, infrastructure, hiring more staff, or expanding the market, helping the business grow and succeed in the long term.
  • Ensures the business follows tax regulations, reducing the risk of penalties or audits from incorrect tax filings.
  • Promotes financial stability and peace of mind for the business.


Firstly, it improves cash flow by putting money back into the business, and giving resources for investment, expansion, or daily needs. It also lowers the tax burden by allowing businesses to get back VAT on eligible purchases, saving money and improving financial management. Additionally, VAT refunds make businesses more competitive, allowing them to price their products or services better in the market, gaining an advantage over others. The extra money from VAT refunds can be used for new technologies, infrastructure, hiring more staff, or expanding the market, helping the business grow and succeed in the long term. Moreover, claiming VAT refunds ensures the business follows tax regulations, reducing the risk of penalties or audits from incorrect tax filings and promoting financial stability and peace of mind for the business.

Steps involved in VAT Refund in Saudi Arabia

  • Go to the ZATCA website.
  • Find the section called "Indirect Tax - Value Added Tax."
  • Click on "Refund Request VAT."
  • Fill out the form to create your refund request.
  • You will get confirmation that we have received your request. We will let you know once they have gone through your refund request.


VAT Refund Process in Saudi Arabia

1.  Check Eligibility:

First, make sure your business qualifies for a VAT refund. You must be registered for VAT, sell taxable goods or services, and have the right documents to support your claim.

2.  Keep Records:

Keep detailed records of all your purchases and expenses. This includes invoices, receipts, shipping documents, customs declarations, and proof of VAT payment. Good record-keeping is essential for a successful refund claim.

3.  Fill Out the Application:

Get the VAT refund application form from the General Authority of Zakat and Tax (GAZT) website or office. Fill out the form with correct information about your business, like your Tax Registration Number (TRN), contact details, and bank account information.

4.  Attach Supporting Documents:

Get all the necessary documentation together and include it with your application. This includes invoices, receipts, shipping documents, customs declarations, proof of VAT payment, and any other required papers.

5.  Submit the Application:

Send your completed application and supporting documents to the GAZT within the given timeframe. Verify that all of the information is correct and that the form is signed and dated.

6.  Follow Up: 

Check on the status of your application. The GAZT might ask for more information or clarification. Respond quickly to any requests to avoid delays.

7.  Receive the Refund: 

Once your application is approved, you will receive the refund amount through the payment method you chose, like a direct bank transfer or cheque. Confirm that you have received the correct amount and update your records accordingly.

For a smooth VAT Refund Process in KSA, follow the required steps to improve cash flow and compliance. Learn more here:VAT Refund Process in KSA

Required Documents for VAT Refunds in KSA

When applying for a VAT refund in Saudi Arabia, businesses need to include several key documents. Here is a list and description of the necessary documents:

  • Invoices: These are detailed records of your purchases. They show what you bought, the quantity, the price per item or service, and the total amount paid, including VAT.
  • Receipts: Receipts serve as proof that you have paid for goods or services. They should include the date of purchase, the vendor's details, and the total amount paid, including VAT.
  • Shipping Documents: If you import or export goods, you need to include shipping documents such as bills of lading or delivery notes. These documents prove the movement of goods and the associated costs.
  • Customs Declarations: These are documents required for goods crossing international borders. Customs declarations provide details about the goods being imported or exported and any associated taxes or duties paid.
  • Proof of VAT Payment: This could be in the form of VAT invoices or other official documents that show the amount of VAT you have paid on your purchases. This is essential to prove that the VAT was paid and is eligible for a refund.
  • Other Required Documentation: Check with the General Authority of Zakat and Tax (GAZT) for any additional documents that might be needed for your specific situation. This could include contracts, proof of export, or other relevant paperwork.


The Role of VAT Consultancy Firms

VAT Refund in Saudi Arabia can be hard for businesses. Consulting with VAT experts or firms like Reyson Badger can help a lot. These experts make sure businesses follow the rules and get the biggest refund possible. VAT consultants help businesses know if they are eligible, keep good records, and prepare accurate refund applications. They find out which expenses qualify for refunds, collect the necessary documents, and check the status of refund requests, making the process easy and smooth.

VAT consultancy firms also update businesses about the latest VAT laws and rules. This reduces mistakes and avoids penalties. Their immense experience can save businesses money and improve cash flow, allowing businesses to invest in growth. With the help of VAT consultants, businesses can improve their financial stability and compete better in the market.

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