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Tax Residency Certificate (TRC) in UAE

Tax Residency Certificate Consultants

Tax Residency Certificate (TRC) in the UAE is a formal document issued by the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) that confirms an individual's or business's tax residency status in the country.  It serves as proof that the bearer of the certificate is a resident of the UAE for tax purposes. To qualify for a Double Taxation Agreement, individuals must present a TRC proving their residency in another nation and taxation status. Government bodies, businesses, and individuals are eligible to benefit from the UAE's double taxation avoidance agreements by using the TRC certificate.

Tax Residency Certificate can be applied through the Federal Tax Authority’s web portal named EmaraTax Portal. Through this portal, we can apply for the Tax Residency Certificate and Commercial Activity Certificate.

Double Taxation Treaty

Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement

Double Taxation happens when similar taxes are imposed in two different countries on the same taxpayer and same taxable entity. This affects the goods, services, and technology transfer across the countries.

A double Taxation treaty has been implemented to avoid the double-taxation b/w countries with significant cross-border investments. The first Double Taxation Agreement was signed between UAE and France, the recent double Taxation Agreement was signed between UAE and Qatar. Currently, the UAE has signed 146 agreements between different countries to avoid double taxation. The Tax Residency Certificate is issued to take advantage of the Double Taxation Avoidance on income.

Here's the list of 146 Countries UAE has signed Double Taxation Agreement.

Benefits of a Tax Residency Certificate


Managing Double Taxation: TRC provides individuals and businesses with the opportunity to take advantage of Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAAs) the UAE has negotiated with different countries. As a result, the same income does not have to be taxed twice in two separate jurisdictions.

Strengthened Credibility: It is believed that having a tax residency certificate enhances an individual's or business' credibility in the eyes of foreign tax authorities, as it confirms that the individual or business is a tax resident in the UAE.

Reduced Withholding Taxes: In accordance with the relevant DTAA provisions, holders of TRCs can enjoy reduced withholding taxes on dividends, interest, royalties, and other income types.

Tax Planning Effectiveness:  By using a TRC, individuals and businesses may be able to plan and structure their tax liabilities more efficiently and reduce the number of tax liabilities.

International Market Access:  DTAAs enable businesses to access foreign markets more competitively, resulting in reduced tax burdens and greater profitability.

Compliance with the Law: Having a TRC ensures compliance with international tax legislation and helps you avoid legal complications linked to tax residence and double taxation.


There are two types of Tax Residency Certificates:

  • Tax Residency Certificate for Treaty Purposes
  • Tax Residency Certificate for Domestic Purposes


Required Documents and Forms

TRC For Tax Treaty Purposes:

If the Applicant is a Natural Person

  • Emirates ID (Must Match the name on the card for verification)
  • Passport
  • Valid Residence Permit
  • Verified Copy of Residential Leasing Agreement
  • Income Source/Salary Certificate
  • Bank Statement issued by Local Bank (Should Cover 6 months within the financial year)
  • Entry and Exit Report from FTA or a local competent Government Entity
  • Permanent Place of Residence’s proof
  • Electricity Bill or Cert. Lease Agreement (Should be under the name of the applicant)
  • If it’s private property, the title deed should be there.


Source of Income:

  • Self-employed individuals must present a trade license.
  • If the property is leased, applicants who own it and receive money from it must present a lease agreement.
  • For retired candidates, provide a statement to the FTA explaining that they are using their own savings and investments. Also, attach a supporting document.
  • If an applicant is being sponsored by their spouse, provide a copy of their marriage certificate, source or proof of income, or salary certificate.


If the Applicant is a Legal Person

  • Authorised person's Emirates ID and Passport
  • Trade License
  • Memorandum of Association (MoA)
  • Proof of Authorization (From MoA & PoA)
  • A copy of the audited financial report produced by an authorized auditor or audit company (the application's stated start date of the fiscal year must match the financial audit report's coverage date).
  • Certified Lease Agreement
  • Bank Issue Statement issued by a local bank spanning six months within the financial year (as requested).


If the Applicant is a Legal Person - Government Entity

  • Copy of the Government Decision or Decree or Trade License Copy
  • A Request letter by the Govt. Authority (Person)



TRC for Domestic Purposes

As per Cabinet decision number (27) for the year 2023.

"If the Applicant is a Natural Person who has spent more than 183 days in the UAE"

  • Passport (mandatory), Emirates ID, or UAE residence visa (if available).
  • Entry and Exit Report from the Federal Authority of Identity and Citizenship or a Government entity with local competence.


If the Applicant is a Natural person who has spent less than 183 days but at least 90 days in the UAE

  • Passport (mandatory), Emirates ID, or UAE residence visa (if available).
  • Entry and Exit Report from the Federal  Authority of Identity and Citizenship or a Government entity with local competence.
  • Proof of income, salary certificate, proof of conducting business in the UAE, Proof of Permanent Residence: Title Deed, EJARI, Utility Bills, or Long-Term Rent Contract.


If the Applicant is a Natural Person who has spent less than 90 days in the UAE or falls under other situations

  • Passport (mandatory), Emirates ID, or UAE residence visa (if available).
  • Entry and Exit Report from Federal  Authority of Identity and Citizenship.
  • Proof of financial and personal interests: Consider occupation, familial and social relations, cultural activities, place of business, property management, and other relevant factors to determine if a person's financial and personal interests are centered in the UAE.
  • Proof of permanent residence: Title Deed, EJARI, Utility Bills, or Long-Term Rent Contract.


TRC Eligibility Criteria

For Legal Persons

  • In order to be eligible to apply for TRC, a legal entity must have been in existence for a minimum of one year.
  • Financial statements are required to undergo an audit by a certified accounting firm.
  • The report must be certified and stamped by the audit firm. The audited financial report must cover the financial year for which the certificate is required.
  • The audit report for the previous year must be included if the certificate is requested for the current year.
  • Must be engaged in a business activity in the UAE


For Natural Persons

  • Must be primarily based in the United Arab Emirates, both in terms of residence and place of financial and personal interests.
  • Have been physically present in the United Arab Emirates for 183 days or more during a consecutive 12-month period.


Process to Obtain a Tax Residency Certificate in UAE

  • To obtain a TRC Certificate, first visit the FTA's EmaraTax Portal.
  • You may log in to EmaraTax if you already have an account; if not, please register a new account; alternatively, if your account is tied to the previous TRC Portal, please link it to the EmaraTax as well.
  • Once you have logged in, go to Other Services and click on Tax Residency Certificate on the dashboard. Then a query pops up asking if you are a registered taxpayer or not. If you are a registered taxpayer, select Yes, and vice versa.


Process to obtain TRC


  • If you are a registered taxpayer, please enter your Tax Registration Number and the Email Address you use to access e-services, or you may choose "TRN Not Available" to proceed.


Tax Residency Certificate


  • If the data provided matches, you will be taken to a new page to apply for the certificate.
  • Select whether you need the TRC for "Domestic Purposes" or "Tax Treaty Purposes"




  • If you are a legal person Select "Legal Persons" under "Application Type", if you are a natural person Select "Natural Persons" under "Application Type", if you are Legal Person Government Select "Legal Person Government" under "Application Type".
  • Enter the "TRN information (optional)", if you are a legal person, enter the "Trade License Information"
  • Select the country in which the certificate is to be issued.
  • Select the financial start date that should appear on the certificate.


Tax Residency Certificate


  • Fill in all the Required Documents, and click the Submit button.
  • An information confirmation screen appears after you click the "next step" button.


It is important that you double-check all of the details as you will not be able to make any changes in the future.




  • Enter the delivery information, and tick the "yes box", if you need the hard-copy certificate, "otherwise no". After that tick the check-boxes (only if you self-declare to the mentioned conditions) .


process of TRC


Tax Residency Certificate Cost in UAE

TRC Cost for Treaty Purpose

  • Submission fee - AED 50
  • Commercial Activity and Tax Registrants - AED 500
  • Non-Tax-Registered Natural People -  AED 1,000
  • Non-Tax-Registered Legal People- AED 1,750


TRC Cost for Domestic Purpose

  • Submission fee - AED 50
  • Commercial Activity and Tax Registrants - AED 500
  • Non-Tax-Registered Natural People -  AED 1,000
  • Non-Tax-Registered Legal People- AED 1,750


Note: Additional fees of AED 250 will be charged for Hard Copy Certificate


TRC Payment in UAE

The last step of downloading the TRC Certificate is the payment gateway. You need to provide an initial payment to download the certificate. The payment can be done through Credit/Debit Card / Samsung Pay / Google Pay.


TRC payment


TRC payment method


TRC Validity in UAE

The Tax Residency Certificate will only be valid for transactions that occur during a specific financial year. When the financial year is up, you may need to apply again or renew your TRC to maintain your tax resident status in the UAE.

Duration for getting Tax Residency Certificate in UAE

It can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to receive a Tax Residency Certificate (TRC) after applying. The timing depends on how quickly the Federal Tax Authority processes your application. It also depends on whether they require further information or documents from you, as well as their current workload with other applications.

Tax Residency Certificate Eligible Countries

Certain countries in the UAE have agreed with the Double Taxation Agreement with UAE to avoid multiple taxation of taxes. In those countries with double taxation, individuals/businesses can show their Tax Residency Certificate to avoid multiple taxation. Here's a list of countries that have a Double Taxation Agreement with the UAE.

Tax Residency Certificate (TRC) Consultants in UAE

The Tax Residency Certificate (TRC) is extremely significant for individuals and enterprises dealing with taxes in many nations. It assists you in determining where you need to pay taxes, ensuring that you do not pay taxes twice on the same money. This accreditation also assists you in properly adhering to tax laws. Having a TRC expert, such as Reyson Badger, makes tax preparation easy. 

The procedure of obtaining a TRC, as well as the length of time it takes, demonstrate its importance in tax management and economic growth. Working with Tax Residency Certificate (TRC) specialists in the UAE improves tax management, enhances international business, and boosts global economic success.

Tax Residency Certificates

Here is a Tax Residency Certificate for a Legal Person in the UAE

Tax Residency Certificate for Legal Person

The Tax Residency Certificate for Legal persons consists of the following details:

  • Federal Tax Authority logo
  • Certificate number
  • Submission Date
  • Name of Entity
  • Trade License Issuer
  • Trade License Number
  • Tax Treaty between the two Governments
  • Certificate validity Period
  • Certificate Validity QR Code



Here is a Tax Residency Certificate for a Natural Person in the UAE

Tax Residency Certificate for Natural Person

The Tax Residency Certificate for Natural Persons consists of the following details:

  • Federal Tax Authority Logo
  • Certificate Number
  • Submission Date
  • Name of the Individual
  • Nationality
  • Passport Number
  • Visa Number
  • Tax Treaty between Governments
  • Certificate Validity Period
  • Certificate Validity QR Code


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VAT Registration VAT Reclaim
Excise Tax Registration VAT De-Registration
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The Tax Residency Certificate is issued by the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) in the UAE.

 No, the UAE does not issue a Tax Residency Certificate to non-residents.


The processing time varies, but it typically takes a few weeks to a few months.

You will receive a notification explaining the reason for rejection and can reapply with revised documents.

Yes, but you may have to apply for separate TRCs for personal and business purposes. The Tax Residency Certificate for Treaty Purposes and Domestic Purposes is mentioned above.

The FTA must be notified and your information must be updated through the FTA's EmaraTax Portal.

Tax Residency Certificate's are country-specific and cannot be transferred.

TRC's are only issued to individuals who are 18 years of age or older.

Follow the cancellation procedure and notify the FTA through the EmaraTax Portal.

Yes, but you must provide proof of income and meet the eligibility requirements.

TRCs are available to all UAE residents who meet the eligibility criteria, regardless of their nationality.

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