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Corporate Tax Services

Corporate Tax is a recent introduction in the UAE, making Corporate Tax Services essential for businesses to ensure compliance and avoid potential penalties imposed by the FTA. Reyson Badger is the #1 provider of professional Corporate Tax Services in the UAE. We offer an extensive range of services, covering everything from Corporate Tax Registration to foolproof Compliance Management. Our team possesses the proficiency to customize our services to precisely match your specifications.

Corporate Tax Services

Reyson Badger offers the following Corporate Tax Services in UAE.


Corporate Tax Registration

Corporate Tax Registration is the first official process of complying with the Corporate Tax Law in UAE. The Registration Process is done through the EmaraTax Portal of the FTA. UAE Corporate Tax Registration is required for juridical persons operating in the UAE, foreign juridical persons managed and controlled in the UAE, Foreign Juridical Persons operating through permanent establishments in the country or having a taxable nexus in the UAE, and natural persons conducting business in the UAE.

Corporate Tax Registration Penalties

Failure to register for UAE Corporate Tax will result in a penalty of AED 10,000. 

If the violation is repeated within 24 months of the last violation, a penalty of AED 20,000 will be imposed.

Corporate Tax Registration Documents

  • Copy of the Trade License
  • Passport Copies of License Holders (Owners/Partners)
  • Emirates ID of License Holders (Owners/Partners)
  • Memorandum of Association (MoA) or (PoA)
  • Concerned Person's Mobile Number and E-Mail Address
  • Address and P.O Details of the Company
  • Financial Audit Report of the Business


Corporate Tax Registration Deadlines

Mentioned below are the updated deadlines for the UAE Corporate Tax Registration.

License Issued Month Deadline
January or February May 31, 2024
March or April June 30, 2024
May July 31, 2024
June August 31, 2024
July September 30, 2024
August or September 31 October 2024
October or November 30 November 2024
December 31 December 2024


Get your Corporate Tax Registration done on time to show your compliance with the Corporate Tax in UAE.


Corporate Tax Return Filing

Corporate tax filing involves the meticulous preparation and timely submission of the corporate tax returns for a business to the Federal Tax Authority. It is important for the business to comply with Corporate Tax regulations. This means accurately reporting income, expenses, and other financial information to the FTA. It's important to file corporate taxes accurately to avoid penalties, stay legal, and protect the financial health of the business. It may require detailed paperwork and help from tax experts like Reyson Badger to understand the tax rules and regulations.

Corporate Tax Filing Deadlines

 The deadline for filing the first corporate tax return in the UAE depends on the company's financial year:

  • Companies with a financial year starting June 1, 2023 and ending May 31, 2024: The deadline date is 28 February 2025.
  • Companies with a calendar year starting January 1, 2024 and ending December 31, 2024: The deadline date is 30 September 2025
  • Companies with a calendar year starting April 1, 2024 and ending March 31, 2025: The deadline date is 31 December 2025


Corporate Tax Filing Penalties

These are the penalties for failing to file the Corporate Tax in the UAE

Violation Penalty
Not maintaining the necessary documentation and other data as required by the Corporate Tax Law and Tax Procedures Law. 10,000 for every violation; 20,000 for multiple violations during a 24-month period.
Failing to provide the Authority with requested tax-related data, records, and papers in Arabic. AED 5000
Failing to file a deregistration application within the allotted time 1,000 every month, with a maximum of 10,000
Failure of Legal Representative to submit a Tax Return within the designated deadlines. 500 each month for the first 12 months, then 1,000 each month after that.
Failure of the Registrant to file a tax return in the allotted period. 500 each month for the first 12 months, then 1,000 each month after that.


Corporate Tax Filing Documents

The specific documents needed for filing will vary depending on your business structure and operations. However, the documents include:

  • Statements of financial position for determining taxable income
  • Receipts for the claimed deductions
  • Records serving as proof of asset depreciation for tax purposes
  • Documentation related to transfer pricing transactions
  • Details of transactions involving related parties
  • Details about changes in financial reserves that affect the company's taxable income.
  • Statements of financial position to calculate exempt income
  • Documentation of exemption status
  • Documents from a business loan indicating interest paid
  • Records of any foreign taxes paid


The Corporate Tax Return Filing hasn't started yet, follow Reyson Badger's website and social media profiles for more updates Regarding Return Filing.


Corporate Tax for Free Zones

UAE Corporate Tax is mandatory for all individuals within the Free Zones. The tax rate varies based on the type of income. For Free Zone entity, the applicable tax rate is either 0% or 9%. Here's a closer look at how these tax rates are determined for Free Zone individuals.

  • 0% on Qualifying Income
  • 9% on Taxable income, that is not qualifying (Non-Qualifying Income)


Qualifying Free Zone Person (QFZP)

This is a Free Zone company that meets specific criteria set by the UAE authorities and enjoys a 0% corporate tax rate on its Qualifying Income.

According to Article 18 of the law, if the Juridical Person satisfies the following 6 conditions, he becomes a Qualifying Free Zone Person:

  • Maintain Adequate Substance in UAE
  • Derives Qualifying Income
  • Not elected to be subjected to the Corporate Tax
  • Complied with Transfer Pricing Rules & Regulations
  • Non Qualifying Revenue should not exceed the De Minimis Requirement
  • Qualifying Free Zone Person need to prepare audited financial statements.


Qualifying Income

This refers to income earned by a QFZP (Qualifying Free Zone Person) from activities conducted entirely within the Free Zone which have a 0% Corporate Tax.

De Minimis Requirements

These are thresholds set to ensure QFZPs primarily operate within the Free Zone. There's a limit on non-qualifying income (usually the lower of 5% of total revenue or AED 5 million). If exceeded, the company loses its QFZP status and gets taxed at the standard 9% rate for a minimum of five years.

Qualifying Activities

These are business activities allowed within Free Zones and that qualify for the 0% tax rate.

Excluded Activities

Certain activities like banking, insurance, and real estate may be restricted or not qualify for the 0% tax rate within Free Zones.

There were three announcements made regarding the UAE Free Zone Corporate Tax. The first one was on 2022 - Federal Decree-Law No 47 of 22 (Corporate Tax Law) followed by another one named Federal Decree Law No.63 of 2023, and the recent update was published on May 2024. There was many documentations penned in the above mentioned laws and one of the key element was, Every Free Zone Individuals must register for UAE Corporate Tax.


Corporate Tax Audit

A corporate tax audit is a thorough examination of a company's financial records and tax returns conducted by tax authorities in order to ensure precise calculations and adherence to tax laws. Corporate tax auditors precisely verify the accuracy of all reported income, expenses, and deductions. Throughout the audit, tax authorities diligently scrutinize various documents, such as income statements, expense reports, balance sheets, and tax returns. They may even conduct interviews with employees to gather further information. As a result of the audit, the outcome could range from no changes being necessary, to additional taxes being owed, or even a potential refund if there has been an overpayment. By maintaining precise and reliable records while also thoroughly understanding tax laws, companies can significantly streamline the audit process and ensure its smoothness and efficiency.

Corporate Tax Audits and Regular Tax Audits are similar in principle, requiring a thorough inspection of financial data to ensure compliance. However, Corporate Tax Audits especially focus on validating deductions, expenses, applicable regulations, and the correctness of the taxable and non-taxable revenue declared by businesses.

Corporate Tax Audit is a necessary requirement in the process of filing Corporate Tax Returns. To ensure compliance, it is mandatory to have your financial statements audited by an approved auditor in Dubai. These audited statements must then be submitted to the Federal Tax Authority in order to complete your returns filing.


Corporate Tax Accounting

Corporate Tax Accounting is crucial for ensuring tax compliance and maintaining accurate financial records related to corporate tax. It involves calculating taxable income, assessing tax liabilities, and monitoring deductions and credits. Effective tax accounting not only helps minimize tax bills and avoid penalties, but also ensures accurate reporting to tax authorities. It is essential to have a deep understanding of tax legislation, stay updated on tax law changes, and maintain detailed records.

Timely accounting your financial statements can help you file your Corporate Tax Filing easy. Keep accurate record of your financial records with the best accounting services in Dubai.


Corporate Tax Services

Reyson Badger's Corporate Tax Service helps your business register for corporate tax, comply with tax regulations, file tax returns, conduct corporate tax audits and receive comprehensive tax support.

  • Our Corporate Tax Consultants review your business activities, financial records, and other pertinent information to accurately assess your tax liabilities irrespective of mainland and free zone companies
  • Our consultants provide advice on tax-saving strategies to minimize your tax liability.
  • We can help you register for corporate tax with the assistance of our professionals.
  • Our consultants prepare audited financial reports and file corporate tax returns, ensuring accuracy and compliance.
  • Our accounting experts will help you oversee your financial records to ensure smooth corporate tax filing.
  • Our consultants ensure the timely and accurate payment of your taxes.
  • In the event of a tax audit, our consultants will advocate for your business and offer guidance for a smooth process.
  • Our Corporate Tax Consultants provide ongoing support and advice to ensure your business remains compliant with tax regulations.



Corporate Tax in UAE

Corporate Tax is a direct tax on the net income or profit of corporations and other entities from their business activities. It is governed by Federal Decree-Law No. 60 of 2023, which amends parts of Federal Decree-Law No. 47 of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporations and Businesses. Businesses will be subject to UAE Corporate Tax from the beginning of their first financial year starting on or after June 1, 2023 (Several Business's have began it's preparation for Corporate Tax Filing, and business's having financial year from January to May have already registered their Corporate Taxes).

Corporate Tax Consultants in Dubai

The Corporate Tax aims to strengthen the UAE's position as a top worldwide business and investment destination. It aims to expedite the country's development and transformation in order to meet strategic objectives. Additionally, the UAE intends to reaffirm its commitment to international norms for tax transparency and the prevention of harmful tax practices.

UAE Corporate Tax Rates

Corporate Tax will be imposed on businesses' taxable income at these rates:

  • 0% on taxable income up to AED 375,000.
  • 9% on taxable income over AED 375,000.
  • 15% of all multinational corporations with worldwide revenues exceeding AED 3.15 billion, as per OECD Base Erosion and Profit-Sharing laws under Pillar 2 of the BEPS 2.0 framework.


Benefits of UAE Corporate Tax

  • Corporate Tax helps governments generate additional revenue while promoting transparency in business operations.
  • The implementation of corporate tax helps maintain control over the economy while also promoting its growth.
  • Corporate Tax promotes equitable distribution of taxes among all businesses
  • Corporate Tax is indeed more stable when compared to other taxes. It is also easier to manage since there is only one entity involved.
  • Corporate Tax provides social security and helps protect against financial difficulties and debt.
  • Corporate Tax is an important source of government revenue in the UAE, which helps fund essential public services.


UAE Corporate Tax Scope

Corporate Tax (CT) will applicable to:

  • All businesses and individuals operating under a commercial license in the UAE.
  • Free Zone Businesses (The UAE CT regime will continue to honor the current CT incentives for free zone businesses that adhere to all regulatory requirements and solely operate within the UAE's free zones).
  • Foreign entities and individuals only if they conduct trade or business in the UAE on an ongoing or regular basis.
  • Banking operations.
  • Businesses engaged in real estate management, construction, development, agency, and brokerage activities.


Exemptions and Taxable Elements

The UAE Corporate Tax system separates income and entities into two groups - that are exempt from taxation and those that are subject to Corporate Tax. This separation helps businesses in the UAE follow tax rules correctly.

Exempt Income & Entities

Certain income categories and specific entities are exempt from UAE Corporate Tax. This exemption simplifies the tax filing process for these entities and supports specific economic activities within the UAE.

Exempt Income

 Income categories not subjected to UAE Corporate Tax


  • Dividends received from qualifying subsidiaries
  • Capital gains on disposal of assets
  • Public grants * Reinvested export income (conditions apply)


Exempt Entities

 Entities not required to pay UAE Corporate Tax


  • UAE federal and local governments
  • Public charitable institutions
  • Pension funds
  • Natural resources companies subject to Emirate-level taxes


Taxable Income & Entities:

All other business income and most business entities operating in the UAE fall under the taxable category. Knowing what counts as taxable income and which entities must pay corporate tax is important for businesses to correctly figure out how much tax they need to pay.

Taxable Income

 Income subject to UAE Corporate Tax after accounting for allowable deductions

  • Net profit from core business activities
  • Rental income from property
  • Interest income
  • Royalties
  • Gains on disposal of depreciable assets


Taxable Entities

 Entities required to pay corporate tax on their taxable income.

  • Mainland businesses (excluding exempt entities)
  • Free Zone companies (unless they qualify as a Qualifying Free Zone Person)
  • Branch offices of foreign companies


UAE Corporate Tax - Tax Groups

According to Article 40 of the Corporate Tax Law, a Tax Group consists of two or more taxable persons who are classified as a single taxable person in the UAE. Corporate Tax Group is different from VAT Tax Group.

UAE group entities can form a tax group if certain conditions are met.

  • The parent company must be a UAE tax resident and must directly or indirectly hold at least 95% of the share capital, voting rights, and profits and net assets. 
  • All entities in the group must have the same financial year and use the same accounting standards. 
  • Also, neither the parent company nor the subsidiary can be an exempt person or a QFZP. 
  • When a tax group is formed, the parent company will handle the administration, such as submitting a single tax return and settling the tax liability for the entire tax group.


Transfer Pricing Regulations

Corporate Tax Transfer Pricing is the process of setting prices for transactions between related entities within a multinational corporation. This practice ensures that goods, services, and intellectual property are exchanged at market rates, adhering to the arm's length principle. Proper transfer pricing is essential for accurately allocating profits across different tax jurisdictions, preventing tax evasion, and ensuring fair taxation. Regulations and documentation requirements help maintain transparency and compliance with both international and local tax laws.


Corporate Tax Deductions and Expenditures

Expenses that are entirely and solely incurred for business purposes in the UAE and are not capital in nature are usually tax deductible. UAE Corporate Tax limits the deductibility of specific expenses. The intention is to guarantee that the relief can exclusively be claimed for expenses related to the generation of taxable income and to counteract potential instances of misuse or exaggerated deductions.

General Interest Deduction Limitation Rule:

  • 30% EBITDA Cap: Companies are allowed to write off up to 30% of their EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization).
  • Excess Interest:  If interest exceeds earning, before calculating the EBITDA limit, extra interest expenses might be deducted from total earnings.
  • Exempt Income: Exempt forms of income are not subject to this provision.
  • Net Interest Expenditure: Computed as the difference between interest expenses and interest earned, including interest that has been carried over from prior periods.
  • Threshold: Net interest expenditure is not considered exempt if it falls below a specific threshold.
  • Carry Forward: Net interest expenses that are disallowed may be carried forward and written down over the course of the following ten tax years.
  • Exempt Entities: These rules do not apply to insurance companies, banks, or certain other specific businesses.


Specific Interest Deduction Limitation Rule:

Related Party Loans 

  • Dividends/Profit Distribution: Interest paid on loans used to distribute earnings to a related entity or pay dividends is not deductible.
  • Share Capital Transactions: Interest paid on loans to affiliated parties for share capital reduction or return is not deductible.
  • Business Ownership Acquisition: Interest paid on loans taken out from family members for acquiring business ownership stakes is not deductible. (Exceptions: These interest deductions might be allowed if the loan wasn't taken out to take advantage of tax breaks or if the lender pays a substantial corporate tax.)


UAE Corporate Tax Procedures

There are a number of procedures that must be followed in order for businesses to comply with the UAE Corporate Tax regime. Here's a breakdown of the key steps.


  • Every business in the UAE must register for the UAE Corporate Tax with the Federal Tax Authority (FTA). (Exemptions are there for some businesses falling under specific categories.)
  • The registration process involves submitting necessary documents and obtaining a Tax Registration Number (TRN).



  • In order to file Corporate Tax Returns, businesses must maintain accurate and clear financial records.
  • For tax calculation purposes, these records should contain documentation of all income and expense transactions.


Return Filing

  • It is mandatory for businesses to file their corporate tax returns electronically with the FTA by the stipulated due date (typically nine months following the end of the financial year).
  • It is important that the tax return accurately reflects taxable income, deductions, and the tax liability calculated.


Tax Payment

Any corporate tax payable based on the filed return must be settled within the prescribed time frame (usually within the same timeframe as return filing).


Potential Audits

  • The FTA may select companies for audits to verify compliance with tax regulations.
  • Businesses should be prepared to present necessary documentation and address any auditor inquiries during the audit process.


Corporate Tax Losses

A tax loss occurs when a business's expenses or allowable deductions surpass its revenue in a given tax year, leading to a net loss as per the Corporate Tax Law. This loss can be used to offset future taxable income, referred to as carry-forward tax losses.


Corporate Tax Calculation

Calculating corporate tax in the UAE involves several key steps and considerations. Here’s an overview of the process:

Determine Taxable Income

Start by calculating the company's taxable income for the financial year. This involves subtracting allowable deductions and expenses from the total revenue earned during the period.

Applying Deductions

 The UAE corporate tax system allows for various deductions that can reduce your taxable income. These include

  • Business expenses (rent, salaries, utilities)
  • Depreciation on assets
  • Interest on business loans


Apply Tax Rate

The UAE applies a tiered corporate tax rate structure:

  • A 0% tax rate is applied to taxable income up to AED 375,000.
  • A 9% tax rate applies to taxable income exceeding AED 375,000.
  • Multinational corporations subject to OECD BEPS 2.0 regulations face a 15% tax rate on global revenues exceeding AED 3.15 billion.


Calculate Tax Liability

Multiply the applicable tax rate by the taxable income to determine the corporate tax liability.

Taxable Income (above AED 375,000) x 9% = Corporate Tax

Consider Tax Credits and Incentives

Evaluate any available tax credits or incentives that may reduce the overall tax liability. These could include incentives for specific industries or activities.

Prepare and Submit Tax Returns

Complete corporate tax returns accurately and on time, detailing the calculated tax liability. Submit these returns through the EmaraTax platform or as per regulatory requirements.

Payment of Taxes

 Ensure timely payment of the calculated tax liability to the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) within the stipulated deadlines to avoid penalties and interest charges.

Compliance and Reporting

Maintain compliance with UAE tax laws and regulations, including record-keeping requirements and responding to any tax audits or inquiries from the FTA.


Corporate Tax Experts in UAE

Reyson Badger offers expert corporate tax services with a team of highly qualified professionals. Our team is well-versed in UAE tax laws, ensuring compliance and providing effective corporate tax solutions. We have a strong track record of successfully handling complex tax issues, earning the trust of our clients. Our personalized consultations and tailored tax advice cater to each client's specific needs and business goals. Additionally, our multilingual support helps clients from diverse backgrounds understand and manage their tax obligations.

We stay updated on tax regulations to advise clients on compliance and tax incentives. Our client-focused approach prioritizes smooth and hassle-free tax services. We provide expert advice and personalized solutions for businesses to achieve the best tax outcomes and free them to focus on growth.

Corporate Tax Registration in UAE

Corporate Tax Registration

Liable Incomes on Corporate Tax in Dubai

Liable Incomes on Corporate Tax in Dubai

Preparation for UAE Corporate Tax

Preparation for UAE Corporate Tax

Corporate tax deductions under UAE law

Deductible Expense Under The UAE Federal Corporate Tax Law

Corporate Tax Impact

Impact of Corporate Tax in UAE

UAE Corporate Tax Taxable Income

UAE Corporate Tax Taxable Income

UAE Corporate Tax Guide

Guide on UAE Corporate Tax

Free Zone Corporate Tax

Free Zone Corporate Tax

Corporate Tax Return Filing in UAE

Corporate Tax Return Filing in UAE

Corporate Tax Taxable and Non-Taxable Income

Corporate Tax : Taxable and Non-Taxable Income

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