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Understanding ESR Penalty in UAE

ESR Penalty in UAE

Economic Substance Regulations (ESR) were introduced in the UAE to align with global standards and ensure that businesses engaging in specific activities are maintaining adequate economic presence in the region. Compliance with ESR is crucial, as failure to meet the requirements can result in substantial penalties, including heavy fines and administrative measures.This blog aims to provide a clear understanding of the ESR penalty associated with  non-compliance in the UAE, detailing the types of violations, the corresponding fines, and the appeal process for affected businesses. By understanding these regulations and the consequences of non-compliance, businesses can take careful steps to avoid penalties and maintain good standing with regulatory authorities.

Let us recap the requirements and the dates for ESR Filings before we discuss the penalties.

ESR Notification:

  • Who Must File: Licensees and exempted licensees conducting Relevant Activity during the year.
  • Deadline:.6 months following the end of the fiscal year.


ESR Report:

  • Who Must File: Licensees who are not exempted and are earning relevant income from the relevant activity during the financial year.
  • Deadline: 12 months following the end of the fiscal year.


Conditions to Pass the Economic Substance Test

Commercial Justification:

  • Any activity conducted in the UAE must have a genuine commercial Justification: beyond just tax benefits.
  • This means there should be a legitimate reason for carrying out the activity in the UAE.


Substance Requirement:

  • There must be adequate substance in terms of employees, physical presence, and decision-making capabilities within the UAE.


Control and Management:

  • Control and management of the entity must be exercised within the UAE, indicating that key decisions are made locally.


Relevant Activities:

  • The economic substance test applies to specific activities listed by the UAE authorities, such as banking, insurance, fund management, etc.


Documented Evidence:

  • Maintaining accurate and comprehensive documentation is crucial to demonstrate compliance with the economic substance requirements.


Local Presence:

  • Having a physical office, employing staff, and conducting core income-generating activities locally are essential elements.


Compliance with Regulations:

  • Entities must comply with all relevant UAE laws and regulations governing their operations and financial activities.


Annual Reporting:

  • Annual reporting requirements necessitate disclosure of relevant information to regulatory authorities to ensure ongoing compliance.


Meeting these fundamental conditions is crucial for entities operating in the UAE to pass the economic substance test and demonstrate genuine economic activity within the country.


What happens if the Economic Substance Test is not passed?

If a company fails to meet the fundamental requirements for the Economic Substance Test (ESR) in the UAE, it could receive a notification from the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) via email, detailing:

  • The failure to pass the ESR Test in the relevant Financial Year.
  • The specific reasons cited by the FTA for the enterprise's failure to meet the test.
  • The fine imposed on the corporation for failing the Economic Substance Test.
  • The deadline by which the fine must be paid.
  • Steps that businesses must take to rectify their compliance and pass the test.


The fine for failing the ESR test varies depending on the severity and recurrence of non-compliance. The exact amount of the penalty will be specified in a notice issued by the National Assessing Authority, with a payment deadline of thirty days from the notification's issuance.

Businesses have the right to appeal against the imposed penalty if they believe it is unfair or if they question the amount of the sanction. However, consistently failing ESR regulations and receiving penalties can damage a business's reputation in the market and diminish customer trust. Therefore, it is essential for businesses to carefully comply with UAE business regulations, including ESR regulations, to maintain their standing and credibility.


ESR Penalty in UAE

The ESR penalty in UAE enforces compliance with economic substance regulations, imposing fines for non-compliance in business operations.

Table of Penalties Related to Economic Substance Regulations

S. No

Description of Violation

Penalty Amount

Timeframe to Apply the Penalty


Failure to submit the notification (and any relevant information or documents) within six months from the end of the financial year, unless extended by the competent authority.

AED 20,000

Six years from the date of committing the violation, unless due to fraud that prevented the National Assessing Authority from imposing the fine.


a) Failure to submit the Economic Substance report (and any relevant information or documents) within twelve months from the end of the financial year, unless extended by the competent authority. 

b) Submission of a report within the legal period that does not meet the requirements of the Economic Substance Regulation in the UAE.

AED 50,000

Six years from the date of committing the violation, unless due to fraud that prevented the National Assessing Authority from imposing the fine.


Repeatedly committing one of the two violations mentioned in clause (2) of this schedule during the following financial year immediately.

AED 400,000 and any other administrative measure (e.g., suspension, withdrawal, or non-renewal of the trade license).

Six years from the date of committing the violation, unless due to fraud that prevented the National Assessing Authority from imposing the fine.


Providing inaccurate information about Economic Substance Regulation when aware of its inaccuracy or failing to notify the regulatory authority or the National Assessing Authority upon discovering the inaccuracy after submission.

AED 50,000

Twelve months from the date on which the National Assessing Authority became aware of the violation, unless due to fraud that prevented the National Assessing Authority from assigning the penalty within the said period.


Avoiding ESR Penalty

To avoid Economic Substance Regulations (ESR) penalties, entities must adhere to compliance requirements. Key strategies include:

  • Understanding ESR Criteria: Familiarize with regulations to ensure operations meet substance requirements and reporting obligations.
  • Accurate Reporting: Submit timely and accurate notifications and reports, preventing penalties for non-compliance.
  • Transparency: Maintain transparent records to support compliance during inspections, reducing the risk of penalties.


Choose the Ideal ESR Consultants

In conclusion, Understanding  the refinement of ESR penalty in the UAE is crucial for businesses operating within the jurisdiction. Failure to meet the Economic Substance Test can lead to significant fines and penalties imposed by the National Assessing Authority. To navigate these complexities effectively, it's advisable to seek guidance from experienced consultants. Reyson Badger stands out as one of the top ESR consultants, offering expert advice and strategic solutions customised to your company's needs. Choosing the best ESR consultant like Reyson Badger can ensure compliance with regulations while optimizing your business operations for constant success.

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