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Documents Required for VAT Refund in UAE

Akshaya Ashok Nouphal P C
Written By Akshaya Ashok, Reviewed By Nouphal P C
Published on 07/01/2024
Documents for VAT Refund in UAE


VAT Refund in UAE

When the input tax on a VAT return exceeds the output tax, the Taxable Individual may obtain a VAT Refund. Businesses can apply for it using the VAT 311 form found on the FTA  portal.

Tax registrants can demand a refund either when filing their VAT returns or after they have been submitted. There is no time restriction for requesting a refund from the FTA authorities, thus tax registrants can ask for it at any moment until they receive a credit.


Documents for VAT Refund in UAE

  • If your bank is foreign, you must provide the FTA with a validation letter or certificate for your bank account. This letter, which must contain the account holder's name (which must correspond to the taxpayer's name as registered with the FTA), your bank's name, address, SWIFT/BIC, and IBAN, must be issued by your bank.
  • If you are requesting a refund of excess credit that was paid in error or a transfer from another TRN as a result of an incorrect payment, you must provide supporting documentation (such as proof of payment)
  • The top five tax bills (by value) from standard-rated purchases
  • The five largest tax invoices or invoices for untaxed sales (based on value). If you have exported, please include official and commercial evidence.
  • The five largest tax invoices are related to outputs, sales, and other items.


Reyson Badger - VAT Refund Consultants

When applying for a VAT Refund in UAE, you must provide Documents such as purchase invoices and export papersReyson Badger is the best choice since we simplify the procedure for you. We'll guide you through everything you need, making things as simple as possible. Trust us to handle your VAT efficiently and reliably.

Akshaya Ashok
Written By

Akshaya Ashok

Akshaya Ashok is a content writer specializing in creating content focused on accounting and auditing. With over two years of experience, she has developed expertise in crafting professional content for the financial sector.

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